Either that, or my underwear has decided to stretch to unbelievable proportions. Ever have one of those days where every time you stand up, you have to run to the ladies room to pull up your underwear?
I KNEW it just happened to me.
i tend to be more in of the "growing" than the "shrinking" category. sigh...
smiles, bee
bwahahahaha! You crack me up. So does Miss Bee!
I use to have that problem until I discovered that spending more money up front for really good underwear was actually cheaper in the long run.
No. Because I also have the "growing" problem. :-D
I believe it caused by some furry little paws -
All part of their sabotage!
My undies just tend to give me atomic wedgies, especially if there's no private place to undwedgie them. Like, when crossing the street at rush hour...It's like the know I'm trying to walk fast and get away from two don deadly projectiles, and gosh wouldn't it be FUNNY to just crawl up her asterisk RIGHT NOW? One of these days they're going to wedgie me so hard I'll be able to pull them out through my nose.
I have the growing problem, too, but when the drawers bag and sag, I know it's because I've let them get waaaaaay too old and raggedy. Time to go shopping.
What!???? No one sees them but me! I refuse to dress in preparation for an accident. And, should there be a chance of someone else seeing them (yeah, I wish... sadly I mean medical personnel) I simply wear the newest ones I own.
Sadly, I'm with the "growing" camp. However, if you are shrinking, that's a good thing, right?;)
It's the dryer that does it!! Mom tried to convince herself that she was shrinking...yeah....sure.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Losing weight?
I accidentally bought 1 pack of undies a size too large from a manufacturer I'd never tried before... and after one wearing I knew exactly where they got the prop used in this episode of Pee Wee's Playhouse -- my underwear drawer. They just get bigger and bigger and more stretched out all through the day until I can practically shove the wasteband up under my bra to keep 'em from falling down.
NEVER again.
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